Program Details

/Program Details
Program Details 2023-12-12T11:28:12+00:00

Postgraduate Diploma - Diploma in Islamic Judicial and Advocatory Practice


Programme Code: L201
Medium of instructions: English and Malay

Background of the Programme

DIJAP is a postgraduate diploma aimed to produce graduates with advanced knowledge in judicial and advocatory practice in the Shariah practice in Malaysia. This is a programme that meets the specific demand of judicial and advocatory knowledge and skills in the Shariah legal profession. The students are expected to apply the knowledge in law and shariah which they have acquired during undergraduates in analysing issues and practice of shariah in Malaysia. This program develops the student’s awareness to uphold rule of law and social justice in the Shariah legal practice.

Objectives of the Programme

The objectives of the programme is to produce graduates who:

  1. Possess advanced level of comprehension, research and analytical skills in the area of Shariah judiciary and advocacy;
  2. Competent and proficient in the court processes, preparation of documents; oratory skills and the utilisation of ICT to create business opportunities in the profession;
  3. Able to lead, engage and demonstrate advanced understanding relating to problems and issues in Shariah judiciary and advocatory practice in Malaysia.
  4. Appreciate and have a sense of awareness to uphold the Islamic values, rule of law and social justice in Shariah judiciary and advocacy.
  • Bachelor of Shariah and Judiciary with honours or Bachelor of Fiqh and Fatwa from USIM, or
  • Bachelor of Shariah from other institutions of higher learning recognized by Senate; or
  • Other equivalent bachelor degree with honours from other institutions of higher learning recognized by Senate; or
  • Other qualifications equivalent to a bachelor degree, with relevant professional experience recognized by USIM Senate.

Permohonan boleh dikemukakan secara atas talian melalui pautan .

Manual Permohonan : LINK PDF –

Langkah-langkah permohonan : 

  1. Buka akaun
  2. Log masuk dan lengkapkan maklumat yang diperlukan
  3. Hantar pemohonan
  4. Bayaran yuran proses : 60.00 MYR

Contact Us

Faculty of Major Language Studies
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Bandar Baru Nilai
71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA

Tel: +606-798 6753/6754